
Tuesday, July 31, 20182:21 PM(View: 24779)









of Selected CaoDai Holy Messages





Translated by Hum D. Bui, MD. and Hong D. Bui, M.D.

Edited by Ngasha Beck-Huy









































ISBN-13: 978-1517564117

Copyright Hum D. Bui, MD and Hong D. Bui, MD




18 -  Foreword of the Sacerdotal Council

19 – Introduction of Janet Alison Hoskins, Professor of USC

21 – Foreword of the translator

24 - Christmas 1925 The Jade Emperor introduces Himself and announce the names of the first twelve disciples.   

25 - Jan 3, 1926 Spiritism and Automatic Writing.

27 - Feb 20, 1926 Unity, Cooperation and the Glorifying of the Way. From now on, the Master begins teaching the Way.

30 – Feb 23, 1926 To teach children

31 - Feb 25, 1926 The rites and the veneration of the Divine Eye.

34 - Mar 13, 1926 The truth and the falsehood . . . Remember that I have sent many wild beasts to surround you and to bite you every day; but do not worry, because I have already given you an armor for your protection.  

35 – April 7, 1926 The Master is also Nhien Dang Co Phat, Thich Ca Mau Ni, Thai Thuong Nguon Thi

36 - April 8, 1926 Sakyamuni Buddha is happy for the coming of the Way and Duc Cao Dai explains the meaning of "Tam Ky Pho Do."

38 - April 22-23, 1926 Organizing the heavenly appointments and the oaths.

41 - April 24, 1926 The Creation of the Five Branches of the Great Way and the Master does not leave the dharma in human hands.

42 - April 26, 1926 The first heavenly appointment.

43 - May 30, 1926 Saving all beings, even the unborn; the previous incarnation for the creation of Buddhism. The founding of CaoDai is by miraculous spiritism but not by re-incarnation.

45 - May 31, 1926 The divine heart and the human heart. Advice to adepts to save humanity.

46 - June 5, 1926 Sakyamuni Buddha comes to save living beings under the name Cao Dai Tien Ong Dai Bo Tat Ma Ha Tat...   

48 - June 8, 1926 Teaching in French for Two French Guests attending a Séance.

50 - June 27, 1926 Rituals.

53 - July 5, 1926 Advice for dignitary K.

54 - July 15,19 26 Establishment of the cenacle "Ngoc Dan".

55 - July 17, 1926 Establishment of the College of Women.  

56 - July 17, 1926 Miraculous dharma and cultivation by meditation.

58 - July 22, 1926 The death and eternal life. God says: "If I did not exist, there would be nothing in the universe. And if there were no Cosmic Ether, then I    would not exist either."

60 - July 25, 1926 Self-cultivation.

61 - July 30, 1926 Divine teaching regarding adultery.

63 - Aug 4, 1926 Life is a school of good deeds where your ability to enter Nirvana is based upon your own good works.

64 - Aug 7, 1926 The evils of this earth are in fact the tactics of demons trying to corrupt your Holy progress. When the Dao opens evil forces are also released.

65 - Aug 9, 1926 Divine Orders command the first disciples to go to Can Giuoc to avert the evil that are corrupting the disciples there. . . .

67 - Aug 21, 1926 Divine teaching for disciples of Minh-Duong regarding the fact that one cannot attain enlightenment due to the closure of the Tao.

69 - Aug 22, 1926 Divine teaching to Mr Đ, who should repent and guide humanity.

70 - Aug 27, 1926 Each dignitary has to create their own divine family, and is responsible for the introduction of at least 12 people to the faith.

72 - Sept 11, 1926 You must be humble in order to save the beings of the world.

73 - Sept 17, 1926 Divine teaching regarding the building of the Divine Temple, of the thrones of the Giao Tong, Dau Su, Chuong Phap and of the universal globe.

74 - Sept 18, 1926 In Vietnam from now on there will be a true faith, the faith that God has established as the national religion.

75 - Sept 22, 1926 How to conquer evil.

76 - Sept 29, 1926 How to cultivate self to develop your personality and attitude.

78 - Oct 1, 1926 Divine teaching in French for a French guest.

80 - Oct 4, 1926 Divine teaching regarding the creation of one position of Buddha, three positions of Immortals, 36 positions of Saints, 72 positions of sages, and three thousand positions of disciples.

81 - Oct 12, 1926 Divine teaching regarding the wearing of plain clothes.

82 - Oct 24, 1926 God is Buddha, and Buddha is God. The three offerings: wine (khi), flowers (tinh) and tea (than).

84 - Sept 15, year of Yang Fire Tiger Ho Quang Chau’s responsibility for spreading the Tao in central Viet nam, stressing that politics and the Tao can never work together.

85 - Oct 27, 1926 Divine teaching in French for French believers.

87 - Oct 28, 1926 Divine teaching in French for French believers.

89 - Oct 29, 1926 Divine teaching regarding the challenges set by the three lords with Ly Bach (Great Immortal Li Po) administering justice. Ly Bach then explains the power of justice.

92 - Nov 1, 1926 Divine teaching at the Minh Tan Cenacle by Thai Thuong Lao Quan, Te Thien Dai Thanh and Le Son the Holy Mother.

95 – Nov. 12, 1926  Miracle of reincarnation

96 - Nov 20, 1926 Ranks of the dignitaries and the method of election.

99 - Nov 23, 1926 Divine teaching explaining what happened at Tu Lam Pagoda.

100 - Nov 24, 1926 Further divine teaching explaining what happened at the Tu Lam Pagoda.

102 - Nov 28, 1926 Divine teaching in French for French guest.     

104 - Dec 2, 1926 Divine teaching by Spiritual Giao Tong Ly Bach regarding the issue of males and females at the temple. 

105 - Dec 6, 1926 One must take the Tao to the heart rather than being led by confusion as one tries to walk the spiritual path, waking too late to realize your own folly.

106 - Dec 6, 1926 The disincarnation of the dignitary Thuong Tuong Thanh.

107 - Dec 13, 1926 If you realize the preciousness of the Tao, you would cherish it.

108 - Dec 15, 1926 Divine teaching in French for French guest.                 

110 - Dec 17, 1926 Divine teaching in French for French guest.                  

112 - Dec 19, 1926 Divine teaching regarding the reincarnation cycle of humans and demons. If one does not practice the Dao, one cannot escape reincarnation.

116 - Dec 19, 26 Divine teaching in French regarding the true nature of nobility, richness and glory.

117 - Dec 20, 26 Establishment of the New Codes.

118 - Dec 24, 26 The reasons of the establishment of the New Codes.

119 - Dec 27, 26 Performing good deeds is in accord with the divine will, committing misdeeds is against the celestial laws. Right and wrong actions are recorded by the angels and saints for the final judgment. 

120 - Jan 8, 27 Divine teaching encouraging adepts to use all their talents.

121 - Jan 10, 27 In order to accomplish one’s mission, one must be patient and even abide suffering.

123 - Jan 16, 27 How to present and receive the New Canonical Law to and from the Spiritual Giao Tong.

125 - Jan 17, 27 God has founded the Tao in Vietnam for humans to reach their original positions.

126 - Jan 18, 27 One must abstain from alcohol.

128 - Jan 18, 27 Whoever recognizes the Tao is blessed, whoever does not is unfortunate.

128 - Jan 18, 27 Sermon from Than Hoang Bon Canh for the people of the My Loc village.

130 - Jan 22, 27 God granted a poem to male and female disciples.

132 - Jan 26, 27 One must cultivate self in order to escape reincarnation.

134 - Jan 31, 27 One must strive harder in order to reach the end of the Path.

135 - Feb 1, 27 You must concentrate in promoting the Way,

136 - Feb 1, 27 Divine teaching from the late Confucian Censor-Cardinal Tuong regarding his joy and happiness for the faith.

138 - Feb 1, 27 Congratulations and rewards from God to many disciples, the Spiritual Giao Tong grants ceremonial costumes to the College of women.

139 - Feb 5, 27 Spiritual Giao Tong Ly Bach prayed in vain for the amnesty of Saigon, Hue and Hanoi.

140 - Dec 24, 27 Divine teaching regarding self cultivation and mutual love.

142 - Feb 1927 Bodhisattva Kwan Yin suggests cooperation to guide the younger generation toward the Tao.

143 - Feb 1927 Ordination of the local genie as the Van Xuong position to govern the Hiep Ninh village.

144 - Feb 13, 27 The spiritual and temporal powers of the Hiep Thien Dai.

146 - Feb 19, 27 God would be pleased if disciples tried to build their merits. 

147 - March 1, 27 The destination of the noble part of the human mind after the death of the physical body.

148 - March 5, 27 In order to be enlightened you must first gain enough merit by spreading the way and guiding human beings.

150 - April 5, 27 One has to have sincerity granted by God to guide humanity.

151 - April 12, 27 Whoever intends to disturb the Tao will be punished.

152 - April 15, 27 If you yourself choose not to walk then God will not carry you through your life.

153 - April 20, 27 Divine teaching from the spiritual Giao Tong Ly Bach that the hatred and indifference amongst followers of the Tao would create animosity between people leading to chaos.

154 – 27-4 Year Dinh Mao In upholding justice and applying the law, humanity would be exiled to hell for ever.

156 - May 29, 27 Divine teaching of the Spiritual Giao Tong Ly Bach explaining that the Tao is erected through the virtuous minds and humble behavior of the disciples, if humans are still running after materials, all the earned credits would be washed away.

157 - June 1, 27 Difficulties encountered in bringing the way to the next generation. Divine teaching regarding the stopping of séances.

158- July 1927 God has assembled immortals and Buddhas to establish the Tao in the South with a proscription of argument.


159 - Year BD, 1926: What is the Tao?        

160 - Year BD, 1926: Lý Thái Bạch teaches about Sub dignitary election.  

161 - 12-6-Bính Dần. July 21 1926: The Supreme Being teaches: If all the world practiced their faiths, the world could change the divine will.

162 - 27-6-Bính Dần (Aug 4, 1926): The Supreme Being teaches: Visible matters may be destroyed, but the Nothingness couldn’t be.

163 - No date: The 8th lady Immortal: The duty of virtuous person is to be selfless, to take care of the comfort of humanity.

165 - 6-8-Bính Dần (Sept 12, 1926): The Supreme Being teaches: When you are successful, don’t be hasty to express joy, when you fail, don’t be hasty in your sorrow.

166 - Sept 30, 1926 (Bính Dần): The Supreme Being teaches: Pay respect  to Superior Spirits. Practice sincerity and justice.

167 - 15-8-Bính Dần (Sept 21, 1926): The Supreme Being teaches: if the Tao was established late, there would be damage for humanity.            

168 - 9-9-Bính Dần (Oct 15, 1926): The Supreme Being teaches: Do not offend the Superior Spirits.       

169 - Nov 11, 1926 Bính Dần: The Supreme Being teaches: You have to endure more sufferings in order to reach divine position.          

170 - 14-10-Bính Dần Nov 18, 1926: The Supreme Being opens the female college.          

171 - Dec 8, 1926       The Supreme Being teaches: we must love and help each other.

172 - Dec 11, 1926:    The Supreme Being teaches self-cultivation and performance of human duty in order to reach Nirvana.

173 - Dec 12, 1926:    The Supreme Being teaches that repentance is invaluable.

175 - Dec 14, 1926     The Supreme Being teaches: Services to humanity need to be accomplished to attain noble divine positions.

177 - Jan 3, 1927         The Supreme Being laments: Few persons bother to look for the holy way but many rush toward the evil way.  

178 - Jan 8, 1927         The Supreme Being teaches: If I do not found the Third Universal Salvation to save the predestined souls, the whole world would be destroyed.     

179 - Jan 21, 1927       The Supreme Being teaches: The Tao was founded to guide people back from the suffering world, but if they do not hurry to heed the Tao, they will be exiled into hell.

180 - Jan 22, 1927       The Supreme Being teaches: You must endeavor to fulfill your special responsibility in order to attain a noble position.

182 - 20-12-Bính Dần (Jan 23, 1927): The Supreme Being teaches: In following the path of the Tao, you will find a peaceful and contented life.  

183 - 20-12-Bính Dần (Jan 23, 1927): The Supreme Being teaches: With perseverance, you cultivate self in the Holy way, you will reach the noble position.

20-12-Bính Dần (Jan 23, 1927): The Supreme Being teaches: Be patient, maintain your virtue, be good moral examples for future generations, earn merit by serving humanity so that at the end of your life, you will be able to return to your spiritual origins.

184 - 20-12-Bính Dần (Jan 23, 1927): The Supreme Being teaches: Try to cultivate yourself following religious rules in order to reach Nirvana.      

186 - 12-1- Đinh Mão (Feb 13, 1927): The Supreme Being teaches: I founded the Great Way in the southern part of this country to compensate a country which has been greatly affected by My rage.

187 - 18-1-Đinh Mão (Feb 19, 1927): Teachings given by Quan Thánh Đế Quân, Quan Âm, and Lý Thái Bạch.


188 - 18-1-Đinh Mão (Feb 19, 1927): The Supreme Being teaches: You have to put all your heart into spreading the Tao and to love and to help each other.

189 - 19-1-Đinh Mão (Feb 20, 1927): The Supreme Being teaches: Misery and disasters from East to West, according to divine arrangement, will befall cruel countries that have generated animosities in this world.

190 - 20-1-Đinh Mão (Feb 21, 1927): The Supreme Being teaches: You have to work cooperatively with one another to walk the road to Eternity.

191 - 27-1-Đinh Mão (Feb 28, 1927): Lý Thái Bạch teaches about the construction plan for the Holy See.

193 - 2-3-1927 Đinh Mão: Lý Thái Bạch teaches: In order to surmount difficulties, you must have perseverance and dedication and try to put the Tao above all.  

194 - 3-3-1927 Đinh Mão: The Supreme Being teaches: Use your merit to surmount obstacles and to reach Eternity.            

195 - 3-3-1927 Đinh Mão: The Supreme Being teaches: You should work harder in order to surmount difficulties.           

197 - 5-3-1927 Đinh Mão: Quan Âm teaches female disciples: You have to cooperate with each other in order to guide future generations.

198 - 5-3-1927 Đinh Mão: The Supreme Being teaches: You have to love and help each other while guiding humanity. If because of secular ambition, you become divided, hating and fighting each other, you would make poor examples to future generations.         

200 - 4-2-Đinh Mão (Mar 7, 1927):  The Supreme Being teaches: If the Tao were not created, people, because of their cruelty, would reincarnate again and again to pay their karma, and no one would be fully blessed.

202 - June 1, 1927: The Supreme Being teaches: At the end of this 6th month, I will stop all initiation séances, and from then on you have to use only your sincerity in order to spread the Tao.


203 - Sept 12, 1927 Đinh Mão: Lý Thái Bạch teaches: You should follow the holy teachings of the Great Mercy. You may submit to me the petition of promotion for whoever has closely followed the rules and regulations of the Sacerdotal Council.

205 - Sept 17, 1927 Đinh Mão: The Supreme Being teaches: I use peace and tranquility to lead you on the divine road, but if dignitaries are concerned more about titles and positions than cultivation of virtues, their punishment would be doubled.

207 - Oct 1, Đinh Mão (1927): The Supreme Being teaches: I have trained each of you so that you will have all authority to realize the divine will to lead humanity and to spread the Tao to all the world. Whether you fail or succeed, I would wait until the end to judge on your accomplished work.     

209 - Oct 27, 1927 Đinh Mão: The Supreme Being teaches: In antiquity, many martyrs were not as well blessed and recognized as you are now. I just aspire you to love one another following My holy example. Love is the key to the thirty-six heavens, to Nirvana, and the White Jade Palace.   

210 - Nov 29, 1927 Đinh Mão: The Supreme Being teaches: Before I stopped the séances, I had clearly given orders, but you did not deliver My words, and they became confused, it is your responsibility.

212 - End of the year Đinh Mão (1927): The Supreme Being teaches: I have worked hard to guide you in the Tao, and you keep giving Me disappointment every day. I wonder when you would succeed.

214 - Mậu Thìn 1928: Nhàn Âm Đạo Trưởng teaches: If you want to cultivate your virtues, you should start right at your heart.

215 - Feb 3, 1928 Mậu Thìn: The Supreme Being teaches: Anything consented to by all disciples pleases the divine will. I forbid you to set up séances or automatic writings.    

217 - Mar 19, 1928 Mậu Thìn: Lý Thái Bạch teaches: If the title is granted to someone, this person would bear the title only, but there will never be two persons of the same title.

218 - 10-3-Mậu Thìn 1928: The Supreme Being teaches: Life is like an examination. If the examination is difficult, and yet you pass the examination with honors, your success would be more valuable.

219 - April 2, 1928 Mậu Thìn: The Supreme Being teaches: Each of you has an important responsibility to spread the Tao which, if you fail to fulfill, would lead to divine punishment according to the balance between your good and bad deeds.      

220 - April 15, 1928 Mậu Thìn: The Supreme Being teaches: You should try your best to guide living being and fulfill your responsibility.       

222 - April 16, 1928 Mậu Thìn: The Supreme Being teaches: I have treated all disciples as equals regardless of their titles   

223 - April 23, 1928 Mậu Thìn: Teachings given by Thanh Tâm explaining the verses: No people walk the street or plough the field. No one is aware of the Tao; I fear for their destruction!

224 - 5-5-Mậu Thìn (June 22, 1928): The Supreme Being teaches: I am grieved by the division among you.         

225 - 11-5-Mậu Thìn June 28, 1928: The Supreme Being teaches how to refine sugar in comparing sufferings to black sugar.    

226 - 4-6-Mậu Thìn 1928: Tiêu Sơn Taoist teaches: Be cautious of your steps so that your efforts are not wasted.

228 - July 18, 1928 Mậu Thìn: Chơn Cực Lão Sư teaches about the destiny of the Tao.

230 - July 28, 1928 Mậu Thìn: The Supreme Being teaches: You would be awakened, realize you have strayed, and return to the right path.

232 - 19-6-Mậu Thìn (Aug 5, 1928): The Supreme Being teaches about the current situation of the Tao as a disease. Everyone likes to enjoy personal sovereignty and to fight against you.             

234 - Year Mậu Thìn (1928): The Supreme Being teaches about precept “Not to kill”

235 - Year Mậu Thìn (1928): The Supreme Being teaches about precept “Not to steal”

237 - Year Mậu Thìn (1928): The Supreme Being teaches about precept “Not to be obscene”.

238 - Jan 18, 1929 Mậu Thìn: The Supreme Being teaches about precept “Not to be drunk”

240 - Jan 18, 1929 Mậu Thìn: The Supreme Being teaches about precept “Not to sin by words”    

241 - Year Kỷ Tỵ (Feb 10, 1929): The Supreme Being teaches: If your self-cultivation of virtue is stalled, the congregation would be shattered.

242 - 7-3- Kỷ Tỵ (April 16, 1929): The Supreme Being teaches about the death of the Thượng Phẩm.      

243 - Jan 11, 1930 (12-12- Kỷ Tỵ):  The Supreme Being teaches: If you cannot love each other, I forbid you to hate each other.

244 - Feb 7, 1930 Canh Ngọ: The Supreme Being teaches: The practice of the Tao is the opposite of living the secular life in order to get closer to the divine illumination. You cannot practice the Tao and run after secular desires at the same time.

247 - April 12, 1930 Canh Ngọ: Nhàn Âm Đạo Trưởng explains the verses The rooster in the cage, although being fully fed every day, would not know when it is going to be slaughtered, While the crane, although not having enough to eat, is able to fly freely in the sky.

249 - April 21, 1930 (23-3-Canh Ngọ): The Supreme Being teaches: Try to cultivate your virtues in order to prevail against evils.

251 - June 8, 1930 Canh Ngọ: Quan Thánh Đế Quân teaches to return to the right path     

253 - June 8, 1930 Canh Ngọ: Nhàn Âm Đạo Trưởng teaches to be awakened and spiritually strong to avoid destruction.    

254 - June 10, 1930 (5-5-Canh Ngọ): Lý Bạch teaches that The Tao is not a commodity that you have to sell.

255 - Dec 24, 1930 Canh Ngọ: Lý Giáo Tông teaches: Because you bear a physical body, and therefore could not withstand the full measure of oppression. But for myself, no power of this visible world could touch me. I have to use my divine eyes to recognize the situations for you.

257 - April 26, 1931 (9-2-Tân Mùi): The Supreme Being teaches: Understanding the divine will, understanding yourself, and understanding living beings are the ways to find the bright torch of the noble Tao’s lighthouse, guiding you out of the ocean storm.

259 - Aug 1, 1931 Tân Mùi:  Lý Giáo Tông teaches that he takes the responsibility of the Giáo Tông to set out the stepping stones for all his younger brothers and sisters to reclaim their positions.

261 - Dec 23, 1931 Tân Mùi: The Supreme Being teaches the Sacerdotal Council to fulfill the duty assigned by Thái Bạch. Any order from Thái Bạch and the Hộ Pháp should be studied thoroughly and implemented by the Sacerdotal Council and High Council.

263 - Mar 20, 1932 (14-2-Nhâm Thân): Nguyệt Tâm Chơn Nhơn teaches: Few souls appear at the gates of Heaven, but a myriad can be seen at the gates of Hell.

264 - Oct 1932 Nhâm Thân: The 8th lady Immortal teaches about the Yin energy.

265 - Feb 12, 1933: The 8th lady Immortal notifies about the final arrangements by the Supreme Being to preserve the destiny of living beings. The 6th lady Immortal teaches that all Superior Spirits are happy about the changes of the procedures.

266 – The 6th Female fairy of the Jasper Pond Palace

267 - 17-3-Quí Dậu 1933: Quan Âm teaches: The most precious element of the Tao is harmony.

268 - April 21, 1933 Quí Dậu: Quan Âm teaches: According to the love of life of the Great Merciful Father, we have to open the heart to love all living beings because they are all created by the Merciful Father.

269 - May 8, 1933 Quí Dậu: Quan Âm teaches: You should participate in worship ceremonies frequently in order to be attuned to Superior Spirits, to pray to the Great Mercy to forgive you and all living beings, to be receptive to the Great Mercy, and to open the loving kindness.

270 - May 26, 1933 Quí Dậu: Nguyệt Tâm Chơn Nhơn teaches: the Law is established. If you follow the laws, the organization would succeed; if not, it would fall into ruin.

271 - 9-4-Giáp Tý 1934: The 7th lady Immortal teaches about the Yin energy.

273 - July 20, 1934 Giáp Tý: The Supreme Being teaches about spiritism (conscious and unconscious mediums).

274 - 15-7-Giáp Tý 1934: The Cao Thượng Phẩm teaches: Please help people out from suffering. Don’t make anyone suffer.

275 - 16-7-Giáp Tý 1934: Thái Thượng Đạo Tổ teaches about some indispensable secret matters.

278 - Nov 13, 1935 (18-10 Ất Hợi): Lý Thái Bạch congratulates the Hộ Pháp for his patience and hardship in improving the congregation.

280- INDEX

291- Contact information

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